Our Core Values

12 Stones

Joshua 4:1-3 When all the nation had finished passing over the Jordan, the Lord said to Joshua, 

2 “Take twelve men from the people, from each tribe a man, 3 and command them, saying, ‘Take twelve stones from here out of the midst of the Jordan, from the very place where the priests' feet stood firmly, and bring them over with you and lay them down in the place where you lodge tonight.’”

These are our 12 Stones.

We reflect Jesus

He is our focus, our foundation, and we let LOVE be our guide in everything we do.

Love for God, for our brothers, for ourselves. John 14:6, 1 John 4:16, Eph. 5:1-2

We Give Extravagantly

We express our love for people through giving in all facets. Time, Resources, Effort, Grace & yes Money.  We love people & use money. 2 Cor. 9:7 Malachi 3:8-10, Matt 23:23-24

We have Double Vision

We have Faith to see both the present & future, remaining adaptable and forward-thinking in our ministry.  See what is, what is on the way.  Prov. 29:18, 2 Cor. 5:7

We Embrace Risk

Embracing risk is integral to our spiritual journey, reflecting our trust in God's guidance and providence. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and act in faith, even when the path is uncertain.  Matt. 14:29, Josh 1:9, Heb. 11:1

We Value Healthy Culture

We protect this House. We are committed to protecting and nurturing a positive, respectful, and inclusive church culture. Rom. 12:10, Eph 4:2-3, Gal. 6:2

We Commit to Discipleship

Our journey is one of continuous spiritual development, both individually and collectively.  Matt. 28:19

We Commit to Honor

Honor reflects our profound respect for God’s creation. Honor is not just about how we act but also about the attitude of our hearts — it’s a commitment to value, uplift, and celebrate each other as reflections of God’s image. Rom 12:10, 1 Peter 2:17, Phil 2:3

We Believe in the Supernatural

We embrace and celebrate the transformative power of deliverance as a testimony of God's unfailing love and mercy from spiritual, emotional, and physical bondages.

Psalm 34:17, Luke 4:18,19, Gal 5:1

We Embrace CommUNITY

Our shared commitment to Christ transcends our differences. Our Individual’s gifts and strengths contribute to the greater good, . Eph 4:3, Psalm 133:1, Phil. 2:2, Acts 2:42

We walk in Excellence

We commit to doing everything with integrity and quality, constantly seeking to learn and improve.If we do it, it’s done right.  Col. 3:23-24

We Serve First

Serving both our local and global communities is a key expression of our faith and love. Gal 5:13

We Celebrate Diversity

Our church is a place where everyone is welcome, and we honor the richness that diversity brings to our community. Rev 7:9

Our Beliefs

We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith in boldness and passion.

  • The Scriptures Inspired

    The Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, are verbally inspired of God and are the revelation of God to man, the infallible, authoritative rule of faith and conduct.

  • The One True God

    The one true God has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent "I AM," the Creator of heaven and earth and the Redeemer of mankind. He has further revealed Himself as embodying the principles of relationship and association as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • The Deity of Jesus Christ

    The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Scriptures declare: His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His substitutionary work on the cross, His bodily resurrection from the dead. His exaltation to the right hand of God.

  • The Fall of Man

    Man was created good and upright; for God said, "Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness." However, man by voluntary transgression fell and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God.

  • The Salvation of Man

    Man's only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

    Conditions to Salvation

    Salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ. By the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, being justified by grace through faith, man becomes an heir of God, according to the hope of eternal life.

    The Evidence of Salvation

    The inward evidence of salvation is the direct witness of the Spirit. The outward evidence to all men is a life of righteousness and true holiness.

  • The Ordinances of the Church


    The ordinance of baptism by immersion is commanded by the Scriptures. All who repent and believe on Christ as Saviour and Lord are to be baptized. Thus they declare to the world that they have died with Christ and that they also have been raised with Him to walk in newness of life.


    The Lord's Supper, consisting of the elements --bread and the fruit of the vine-- is the symbol expressing our sharing the divine nature of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:4), a memorial of his suffering and death (1 Corinthians 11:26), and a prophecy of His second coming (1 Corinthians 11:26) , and is enjoined on all believers "till He come!"

  • The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    All believers are entitled to and should ardently expect and earnestly seek the promise of the Father, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire, according to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the normal experience of all in the early Christian Church. With it comes the enduement of power for life and service, the bestowment of the gifts and their uses in the work of the ministry.

    The baptism of believers in the Holy Spirit is witnessed by the initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives them utterance. The speaking in tongues in this instance is the same in essence as the gift of tongues, but is different in purpose and use.

  • Sanctification

    Sanctification is an act of separation from that which is evil, and of dedication unto God. Sanctification is realized in the believer by recognizing his identification with Christ in His death and resurrection, and by the faith reckoning daily upon the fact of that union, and by offering every faculty continually to the dominion of the Holy Spirit.

  • The Church and Its Mission

    The Church is the Body of Christ, the habitation of God through the Spirit, with divine appointments for the fulfillment of her great commission. Each believer, born of the Spirit, is an integral part of the General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn, which are written in heaven.

  • Divine Healing

    Divine healing is an integral part of the gospel. Deliverance from sickness is provided for in the atonement, and is the privilege of all believers.

  • The Blessed Hope

    The resurrection of those who have fallen asleep in Christ and their translation together with those who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord is the imminent and blessed hope of the church.

  • The Millennial Reign of Christ

    The second coming of Christ includes the rapture of the saints, which is our blessed hope, followed by the visible return of Christ with His saints to reign on earth for one thousand years.

  • The Final Judgement

    There will be a final judgment in which the wicked dead will be raised and judged according to their works. Whosoever is not found written in the Book of Life, together with the devil and his angels, the beast and the false prophet, will be consigned to the everlasting punishment in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

  • The New Heavens and the New Earth

    "We, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness."

Our Covering

Assemblies of God

The Assemblies of God was founded in 1914 in Hot Springs, Arkansas with 300 people at the founding convention.

Today there are nearly 13,000 churches in the U.S. with over 3 million members and adherents. There are more than 86 million Assemblies of God members worldwide, making the Assemblies of God the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination. Read more here.

We belong to the South Central Hispanic District of the AG. Read more here.
Pastor Ray is also the Co-Director the District Men’s ministry. Read more here.